Wei Wai Kum Elders Luella Serhan (left) and Carol Bear (right) with an unidentified participant at the 2018 Elders Gathering.
Good News for all you BINGO lovers! BINGO is scheduled to start up again at the Thunderbird Hall in September, the date and time will be posted in the September Elder’s Calendar, watch for it!
In August we have some special events that we will be attending and some events and activities that we will attend together with our Youth. The August Elder’s Activity Calendar is now available (link below). Post it on your fridge so you don’t miss out on anything. Please note that our monthly Elder’s Planning Meeting and Luncheon will be held on Aug. 28 at the Thunderbird Hall.
Our Elder’s Worker, Kristen Peel, will be busy connecting with the Wei Wai Kum Community in August through home visits, activities, meal delivery, and OPEN OFFICE afternoons. Kristen invites all Elders to visit her for tea and cookies at her office in the Band Office building on most Thursdays from 1 – 3 p.m. (Check your calendar for details!) Please don’t hesitate to call 250-286-6949 or email her at KristenPeel@weiwaikum.ca. Kristen is available for you every weekday from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Elders CALENDAR August