Jason Price Resigns From Council

Jason Price has resigned from the Wei Wai Kum First Nation Council and has given an undertaking that he will not run for a position on Council for at least six years. The resignation on July 6 came just before an arbitration hearing was set to begin to consider a petition from Council to remove Jason from Council.

Council’s petition – in the form of a Band Council Resolution – said an investigation by lawyer John Rich identified several instances where Jason Price, as a Band Councilor, was considered to have breached the Nation’s policies and Election Code. These breaches included having an undisclosed conflict of interest in Jason’s business relationship with K&L Spooner Construction Ltd.; receiving payments from K&L Spooner that were undisclosed to Council; and acting in conflict of interest to have renovations to his own house done by K&L Spooner for which payment by Jason Price has not been established.

In resigning and undertaking not to run for Council for at least six years, Jason has voluntarily accepted the full penalty that the arbitrator could have imposed under the Election Code, so no hearing was held.

Council has accepted Jason’s resignation and undertaking. A statement from Council as well as its letter to Jason is available in the Private Documents area of the website (available to Band members) or from the Band office.