The Band is pleased to welcome Julia Roberts, who started this week in the position of Youth Worker. The following is an introductory message from Julia:
Yo! I would like to take this opportunity to say Gilakas’la to the community for giving me a chance to spend time and engage with your genganamen as the new Youth Worker. I am truly invested in the bright future of our people, I believe that starts with our kids!
I have experience working within the community for most of my life, and I want to promote a safe, loving space that encourages balance, respect and intergenerational learning! Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any ideas or concerns.
I can be reached at or at the band office 250-286-6949
Mamayaxsila — Youth Schedule Dec 18-22
Monday– 2:30—4 p.m. – Walk the Campbell River Estuary—Heritage interpretation of our Traditional Territories (Please dress warmly)
6-9 p.m. – Cedar Weaving at the Learning Center (portable in the Thunderbird Hall lot), if you have experience weaving, or have cedar bark to donate, please come and share your culture with the kids!
Tuesday 2:30-5 p.m.— Holiday Baking at the Thunderbird Hall
7-9 p.m. — Holiday Crafts at the Portable
Wednesday 3-5 p.m.—Skating, please bring skates and helmets if they have them! No helmets are supplied on site. Skate Rentals provided!
6-9 p.m. Hall Nite In Partners with Parents Club
Thursday— “Pizza at the Portable” 2:30—5 p.m. ages 6-10, meet and greet with the new Youth Worker, at the learning center.
6-8 p.m.—Ages 10 and up
Encourage your children to come and participate in sharing their ideas about what activities they’d like to do this year!
Friday 3-5 p.m. – Finish Holiday Crafts at Learning Center
6-9 p.m. Rock Climbing—Please call the Band Office and ask for Julia to sign your child up for this activity! Waivers will need to be filled out and signed by parents/guardians before this day (minimum age to participate is 7 years old)
Volunteer Drivers Sought
During this time for activities that involve driving I have room for seven children, I would humbly like to ask parents to volunteer to drive. The more volunteers, the more children can participate! Please call 250-286-6949 or email and let Jules know if you can volunteer to drive
Participation Criteria
Please note that youth must be in grade one to participate, youth in kindergarten or younger must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. This includes Hall Nights, Learning Centre activities and special events.